Tangerine | Clementine

The tangerine is a member of the Rutaceae family and is native to the Far East. It is similar to oranges, but is much smaller and sweeter and has a thin, soft, easy-to-remove peel.

This fruit, along with the pomelo and bitter orange, is the only one that is an original citrus fruit, while all the others are natural hybrids, resulting from spontaneous crosses between different varieties.

The clementine (Citrus × clementina Yu.Tanaka, 1954) is a hybrid between the Mediterranean mandarin and the sweet orange. The fruit resembles the tangerine: the main differences lie in the color of the flesh, which is distinctly more orange. It is also never flattened like tangerines, but always well-rounded. Like the tangerine, it is easily peeled and divided into wedges. The taste, on the other hand, is more like orange, with a perfect balance between sour and sweet, and unlike tangerine, clementine segments are almost completely seedless.



It has a very thin skin adhering to the pulp, an intense flavor and produces a high amount of juice.


It is a seedless mandarin, and its flesh is characterized by a perfect balance of sugar and acidity. It peels very easily and keeps for a long time both in the refrigerator and at room temperature.


In addition to being very easy to peel, this variety has very few seeds and is distinguished by its sweet flavor and tender, juicy cloves. It has, in addition, a particularly long shelf life.


It has a fairly thick skin, the flavor is fresh and tart, and possesses a good amount of juice, making it ideal for juicing as well.

Seasonality & Origin

Cultivation method

: Produced by conventional agriculture, complying with current Italian legislation on pesticides and good agricultural cultivation practices.

For fruits imported from countries other than Italy, the current EU harmonization rules on permitted pesticide residues are applied.

Chem Free
: product from conventional agriculture not treated post-harvest.

: a product grown according to the principles of Organic Farming, from farms certified by suitable inspection body. The characteristics of the product and its production methods are indicated by the current Community Regulations, including subsequent amendments and additions, on organic production and labeling.