Projects of


We support charity projects, understood as the joy of being useful to others, of a number of NGO active in Italy and around the world.

Cesvi, with whom we helped communities in southern Africa plant orange groves to boost their economic independence.

Città della Speranza, for Pediatric Research Against Children’s Leukemia.

Co-meta, for the construction of hospitals and schools in Burkina Faso.

IEO – Monzino Foundation, with which we supported research in the vertical project on cardiovascular diseases called “At the Heart of Research.”

Treedom, with which we promoted the planting of citrus trees in some third world countries to increase the livelihood of rural people and promote environmental sustainability.

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Female Charity

All Citrus supports realities and projects that aim at women’s well-being in all its forms.

Through the passionate work of social and scientific entities, we have the opportunity to contribute to valuable projects that help and support women, enhance their role in society, and promote their independence and recognition of their rights.